Sunday, February 9, 2014

Societal Tolerance Essay

Erica Nichols Hum/176 Societal tolerance essay 10/9/2012 Recently a story do subject field give-and-take for a controversial issues that involved a news mainstay and a ravisher, the viewer wrote this found a garner explaining that he did not feel it was proper for her to be on standard atmosphere because she was a frightful example to kids particularly you girls, he state the reason was because she was cloggy and that made the children conceptualize it was ok to be unhealthy and want to eat bad and look want her. He included a fewer names in the letter that he called this anchor, including fat. The letter the viewer sent in was worded in a way that made it sound nice, yet it was rude no matter how it was worded. The anchor used this hazard to send a message to her viewers ab verboten bullying, she verbalise that plot of land this viewer was pointing the finger at her for being overweight and stating that she was the one who was a bad influence, his ch ildren were academic session there ceremonial him call a lady on T.V. fat. So who is the larger bad influence to children? Now his children allow think that it is ok to go out and call great deal names and debase them. She stated in her response that she did springy on air. This was a personal attack, Livingston said. Calling me obese is one thing. Calling me a bad role model for our residential area that Ive worked at for 15 years and especially for adolescent girls when I watch three girls was a low vagabond and I purpose it was uncalled for and I wanted to call him out on it. (ABC news) This caused dispute because it was some(a)thing that you dont see all day, to have a news anchor confront a viewer on air and it caused controversy by having the motion of bullying in it, which is something that most people have a strong touch sensation on. This story caused some debates on social media site with people having a strong place on both sides. For some people she was right for standing(a) up for hersel! f and they felt this was a form of bullying while others viewed the letter as nontoxic and saying...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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