Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kkk--an American Tragedy

The Klu Klux Klan called themselves the white knights beca habit they rode around on horses. They wore white sheets everywhere their heads and garmented their horses in white sheets and rode in neighborhoods where black pile lived. They brought dread into the lives of the African Americans. The symbol of the Klu Klux Klan was the burning cross. A KKK particle erst stated, We do not burn the cross to lay out the expiry of it, but to enlighten it. The name Klu Klux Klan derived from the Greek devise kuklos, meaning circle or wheel. The Klu Klux Klan was considered to be a biovular organization. It grew step to the fore of the Civil War to protect and go forward the white race. It was to gibe the voluntary separation of the races. In umteen cases that meant the termination of blacks, Catholics, and Jews. The Ku Klux Klan is iodin of Americas oldest and most feargond groups. Motivated by the stargaze of a universe with completely one race, the KKK uses violence and d oes things that are against the law to frequent their cause. They have been in the shadows for over one hundred thirty years, and occasionally impact to succeed in Americas society today. The Ku Klux Klan began during the rebuild process subsequently the Civil War in the grey United States. The grey people had suffered a lot from the effectuate of the Civil War. many a(prenominal) of them scattered their homes and plantations; many also lost friends and loved ones to the war. In 1865, six men from a humiliated town in Tennessee began what has grown to be the largest and most feared shun group in the United States. The men decided to sire a fraternity to help relieve the stress of the times. exclusively of the men were vile and could not afford to make uniforms for the group, so they decided to use plain, white sheets. They wore the sheets over their backs and put pillowcases on their heads. They also disguised the sheets over their horses. In the beginning, the men only indispensablenessed to swindle prank! s on people to try to breathe in them up afterwards the terrible war. But the people were more...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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