Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Controlled By Computers

Controlled by computers Computers seem to control our lives. It is hard to live without a computer, and no matter how hard you try to remove yourself from computers, they constantly affect your life. Many people think it is good that computers take in things dim-witted. The Jetsons was a cartoon where computers controlled the human being; their maid was a zombi while a computer guided the family to do simple tasks, such as showering and styling h fashion. It seems that the Jetsons world would be an ideal world to live in, so looking at where computers are headed like a shot the future seems bright. Computers admit it so that you can control your heat, air conditioning, pay bills, dupe bills, buy groceries, listen to music and look at movies, every without leaving the comfort of your desk. But how would one express the gold for this? Computers, once an expensive item, now can be achieve by anyone. There are places offering let go computers, computers o n monthly payment plans and very cheap computers. On...If you heap to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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