Monday, February 10, 2014

Realisms View on Reputations

Realists believed that the report took too great a role in society. The reputation was held to be the decision making factor of a individuals mixer status and this placed tremendous pressure upon the people. Bret Harte believed that the reputation of a soulfulness, if non viewed favorably, was a reason for a someone to be removed from society. This removal was based alone upon the reputation that the person had and how it reflected upon the town. Ambrose Bierce believed that in secernate for one to retain a thoroughly reputation, a person would make flush decisions and would take actions that in the norm the person would not do. Stephen Crane believed, like Ambrose Bierce, that a reputation could have a negative effect upon the person and get out to decisions that would normally be frowned upon. Realists applied their beliefs to the masses as advantageously as the individual. They viewed the reputation to be one of the study causes of the obliging War. Reputations p layed a great role in society. They were the deciding factor in ones social status. The reputation was unyielding solely based upon on what others thought of you. The decision could not be reversed. The society often looked for a scapegoat upon which to curst societal problems. The scapegoat was often one that harmed the people (i.e., a gambler). The exigency for a good reputation placed a goodish amount of pressure on a person to get through social perfection in concern of receiving an unfavorable reputation. The fear of an unfavorable reputation often led to the reservation of rash decisions. These decisions could lead to terminal or near death experiences. In Mystery of Heroism, Stephen Crane depicts a young spell looking to earn the reputation of a brave youth. He has, however, been cursed with the reputation... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:< br/>
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