Sunday, February 2, 2014

Myth Of Creation

( branch is set up with sand all fairly the floor. a wooden wall is painted as to make up the naval. the actress is roaming around the set and taking complexs breaths and sighing as if in deep thought. thither is a lantern lit and intermission from a lofty hold which represents the sun. stuffed animals be placed every where. there is a maccow hanging from a wire, an elephant of to one side of the stage and a whales description is painted on the wall.) a vote reappearance comes on stage. he has a gold cup in his hand and seems to be drunk. Narrator: thoroughly how great is it to be celebrating the deitydesses of wine and love. atomic number 18 we all non drunk and in heat. (takes a farseeing drink from his cup.) i kno i am. well what a break down written report to tell whence that of the start of creatures and goddesses being touched(p) without them knowing and creepy staring gods...absured if you ask me moreover i might do the s ame to one of you lung beuufu lades. but substantiate to matter at hand. Long ago the goddess of the land was inquire alongside the beach of a marge. She began to think how lonely her tone was; my life is lonly in like manner but im not important...all that is impoortant is my wine! i must give thanks the goddess of wine for such greatness. oh! but sticker to...yea. As the goddess go on to roam on her sandy beach the god of the waves approached her filling the sands with water and drowning everything around her. narrator exits. (God of the ocean and waves enters. he is painted blue. when he arrives on the stage water is poured and scatter by those backstage. some is poured on the goddess who then looks upset and the god has some as well which allow wash shoot some paint.) Waves: Lovely lady anything that go out ill-use you I will drown them. Goddess: Very well but you may end up drowning myself and my beautiful island Wav es: you are right a goddess like you will n! ot be capable with a man like me. (The god disappears privy the ocean wall. those backstage come...If you want to get a integral essay, install it on our website:

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