Friday, February 7, 2014

Old Paper

Blue Ridge Community College prove Calendar interest chatter the Blue Ridge Community College campus to tour Daniel Millspaughs inspire moulds. At the 2007 Arida humanistic discipline Symposium and thrilling contract pour, Millspaugh generously donated 8 sculptures to grace our campus for the year. A personal favorite, The Temple overlooks the pond. many another(prenominal) of you whitethorn be familiar with another sculpture mediocre impertinent the Bo Thomas Auditorium, an accordion, S-shaped piece made of fabricated steel. BRCC would be esteemed to provide a permanent home for this sculpture, called sporadic Loop. BRCC has already received several pledges of generous gifts. We hope this sculpture stiff with us, while the others testament be removed forwards the may 2008 Arida Arts Symposium. Also, next Friday, marchland 13 (10:30a.m. until noon), at the sculpture Studio we will be pouring atomic number 13 and bronze for the first time and will be fall in by Brevard College. Not as dramatic as iron nevertheless its hot metal! Join BRCC Monday, March 10, for a performance featuring storyteller Pat Mendoza and flamenco guitar player Miguel Espinoza. get out of the Arts and Humanities Series, this free design is in the Patton Auditorium and mystifys at 7:30p.m. Please see the in full article on this exciting performance on the Arts and Culture page. Tuesday, March 11, 2008, BRCC students are invited to attend the College Transfer Fair. This proceeds is from 9a.m. to 1p.m. in the Patton Building, dwell 150. Colleges to be represented include Appalachian carry University, NC State University, UNC at Wilmington, and more. For more information satisfy Pride Carson at 694-1801 or Open trial for the 2008 BRCC Womens volleyball team begin on Saturday, March 15, 10:00 a.m. until noon. The tryout will be held at the Flat Rock mediate School Gym. Participants will need a recent sports physical. Th is is a great panorama to meet the coach an! d current players and contain more active BRCC. For more information please contact...If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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