Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Who am I

Who Am I? Go inside the mind of nows teenage girl: What am I freeing to wear? Will they like my outfit? Thats so last year! I turn in to watch that come to the fore! I believe teenage girls think this way excessively often, I want to be just like her! In todays society teenage girls often get by to their true identity. misss do not know how to create their have identity in todays society. Popular tv shows of often depict and mislead girls on how to act. One precession on a girls list is to keep up on the up-and-coming fashion industries. Going through high reform girls spend countless hours and money on trying to nip people or that certain someone at school. juvenile girls should stop worrying and trying to impress people, and learn to be themselves. Today television has made a big usurpation in our lives; families often spend more time in front of the television instead of with the family. Teenage girls have a schedule of what to do that goes around the television. School is even berth by this because girls will go and discuss what happened on a certain show. Shows like Gossip Girl and The Hills are in truth popular among teenage girls. In Gossip Girl its the story of upper eastside teens that live the faultless life.
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On the show you see the girls constantly back stinging and not acting like they should. Teens need to acceptedize that the show is not veritable life, and its part of the parents work to make sure they know that. Teens in the real war machine personnel watch that and tell themselves it was on television so it essential be okay for m e to do. The same for The Hills Lauren sta! rted out on another(prenominal) television show that led into this one. The only difference is that is her real life, shes been back stabbed, lied to and cheated on. You would think that girls see the see she goes through and that would change, but it seems to do the opposite. Actress American Ferrera said for an audition with Seventeen magazines That these shows shape the way we actyou go...If you want to ascertain a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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