Friday, September 20, 2013

Tutorial 1 Ese

TUTORIAL 1 1. Explain the difference between taxonomical and pull in hallucinations. What are the typical sources of these two types of errors? 2. A circumference meter for resistance of 550 ? is satisfied by connecting to keepher two resistors of titular values 220 ? and 330 ? in series. If each(prenominal) resistor has a tolerance of ±2%, calculate the error in the roach in both absolute and percent error.[ans:11, 2%] 3. The live through a resistor is 1.5 A but measuring rod yields a value of 1.46 A. Compute the; (i) absolute error (ii) theatrical role error (iii) relative error (iv) relative accuracy (v) Accuracy. [ans: 0.04A, 2.66%, 0.98, 98%] 4. sestet students using one oscilloscope with the following mensural the outfit voltage of an amplifier; (i) 20.20V (ii) 19.90 (iii) 20.05V (iv) 20.05V (v) 19.85V (vi) 20.00V. Calculate the precision of the fourth measurement and which of the higher up measurement is the most p recise? [ans: 0.9979, fifth] 5. A resistance loge has the following components and tolerances: 10 resistors each of ampere-secondK? ±0.05% 10 resistors each of 10K? ±0.05% 10 resistors each of 1K? ±0.05% 10 resistors each of 100? ±0.1% 10 resistors each of 10? ±0.5% Determine both in ohms and percentage the spring of uncertainty in setting of 453.72K?. [ans:227.3?, 0.05%] 6. eight-spot students tuned a circuit for resonance and the following values for the reverberating frequency of the circuit were recorded. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All    custom essays are written by professional w!   riters!
Compute the arithmetic mean, the average deviation, standard deviation and presumptive error for the readings. [ans: 539.25, 5.75, 6.54,4.412] |Reading no. | resonating freq.(KHz) | |1 |532 | |2 |548 | |3 |543 | |4 |535...If you want to get a bounteous essay, order it on our website:

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