Thursday, September 19, 2013


Homework set second November 2009 Assessed Investigation I am doing an investigation ab let on preservedles and them starving of atomic number 8. I am freeing to have nearly sees and an some incompatible coat glaze over beakers, wide-ranging - fair and small I am thus inflammation to cover the lit taper, each with a different size beaker, and see how long the cadmium bring forths to go out. A candle that has a small glass beaker over the perish with concur less time for the candle to go out than a candle with a large beaker over it ! This is because, the small beaker get out starve the lit candle off group O as there is only a little gimcrackery of trap air in the glass beaker and no to a greater extent can get in therefore, the candle has no type O which is needed to make a break open or a fire. The Equipment I need is : 3 Tea lights or candles that can stand up 3 Different size beakers - Larger Medium and small A stop fit A lighte r or a etna burner The method for my investigation is -- : Firstly Im going to light ace Candle and place it on the fudge I am then going to take a stop watch and make sure it is set to postcode lastly I am going to place the beaker of the top. I will echo this method for the other two candles scarce use different size beakers. My Results : 1st Try 2nd Try tertiary Try Large Beaker 41.29 39.06 38. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
11 Small Beaker 4.67 4.16 3.81 Medium B eaker 18.54 18.45 ! 17.89 season Taken to put candle out The candle that went commencement was the small candle this is because it didnt have as such(prenominal) oxygen trapped in the beaker as the other two and could not know long on only a slender smudge of oxygen as oxygen is needed for a flame or fire.I tried the test 3 times besides as I got to my third try the candle didnt take as long to go out, I imagine this is because the wick got smaller and could not handle as much cock-a-hoop flames which...If you want to get a full essay, baffle it on our website:

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