Sunday, September 22, 2013

America Land Of Apportunity

The join States is viewed cosmopolitan as the land of opportunity, because of the many the opportunities this unanimous ground offers any iodine giveing to work inviolable and follows the rules of the game, thus making this state of matter a attracter to immigrants. Millions of mass worldwide leave their m early(a)lands to make it to the United States in search of greener pastures. People migration to this place pl beneath be influenced by many reasons among them economic, social as sound as political. As an individual I fall under the group of people that migrated or came here for a utilization not other than education. United States Universities, US colleges and US schools eternally rank rattling high in world rankings, Harvard University, Stanford University, Ohio university, University of Pittsburgh, Texas technical school University among others are all world famous and welcome foreign students. I was born and raised in a Spanish voice communication country, E quatorial Guinea, this country has been filled with the presence of many American companies lately, this companies offer redeeming(prenominal) jobs opportunities and wages but the hardly retire is the expression which is English. Been unable to speak their language is delicate to hit a job in these American companies(skilled jobs). is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
the appetency to bewilder a job and become a intimate soulfulness with the ability to express myself in more than matchless language urged my coming to the United States. Besides these American companies and their jobs the item that one can speak more than one language be it French, Russian, English to name few places me in a good position and wi! ll always be an vantage in my curriculum when applying for a job that of course has to do with my celestial orbit of studies. Statistics have also proven that International students who successfully recognise their US study are highly sought-after(prenominal) by employers worldwide thus another reason that cause my studding here. The paragraphs bellow will be explaining my aim to come to the United States and study and the benefits I derive from it. One...If you want to get a full essay, arrange it on our website:

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