Monday, September 16, 2013

We Can Rebuild

LBST 2213 We Can Rebuildem We Have the Technology On litigate 7th, 2011 Duncan Graham-Rowe reported in the Technology Review well-nigh the premier retinene prosthesis developed leave solely hit the foodstuff in Europe. Second freshet a company found in California that developed the argus pheasant II, has received the go ahead to release the crude bionic implant for moneymaking(prenominal) and clinical use in some European Countries. The argus pheasant II system uses a camera attach on a pair of glasses to capture images. then(prenominal) the corresponding signals atomic number 18 sent to a chip ingrained nearly the retina wirelessly. The signals are sent to electrodes implanted in the retina that stimulate retinal cells. That then produces light in the patients visual field. The Argus II has worked great for sight impact by retinitis pigmentosa because the disorder totally damages the light-sensing photoreceptors. Second Sight the makers of the Arg us II are hoping for approval from the Food and drug Administration here in the United States next di imaging for their product, but for now the Argus II system is uncommitted in France, United Kingdom, and Switzerland and will cost around $115,000. Dr. David G Telander, Dr. Anthony de Beus, and Dr. Kent W Small beg off what Retinitis Pigmentosa is in their word Retinitis Pigmentosa, found on the Emedicine website. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is not bonny one disease but, a group of inherited diseases. That is characterized by night vision difficulties and progressive peripheral vision passage that can deport to central vision lo ss. I was real interested in this red-hot ! technology because, my wife is an Optometry scholar and this is a new development in her field. Another movement I was so interested in this new maneuver is because, this is the first ill-treat to possible be able to restore or foresee vision loss; which I am affected by and could be facing total loss of vision as I live older. Many people can be positively affected by this new technology as it is developed more and improved....If you want to get a wide-cut essay, order it on our website:

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