Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Manifest Destiny

present Destiny the Statesns in the 1800s were very majestic of their plain because of westsideward expansion and the growth of technology. An analysis of John Gasts characterization Manifest Destiny shows clearly how the Statesns viewed westward expansion during this clock succession of nationalism and pride. Firstly, the lady floating over the land is apparel in pure white. This may imply that she is an angel bear from God. This shows that Gast didnt take Americas expansion for granted. He was saying that it was God that America owed its powerfulness to. The book that she is h overageing may be a bible, also showing Americas trust in God. To the left of the lady, everything is onetime(a) and scare off -- people are traveling in old wagons, on horses and by foot. To the right of her, where she has already passed, everything is industrialized. The old wagons change bow into stagecoaches and the horses and people who are walking turn into trains. Also, you can co nsider a bridge and a big city on an island (possibly New York City and the Brooklyn Bridge). This shows that as America goes further west and becomes a bigger nation, technology will grow on with it and because of it. In her hand as she passes, the lady is running a telegram wire across the land. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This is because new cities built in the west need a way to communicate with the confront of the nation, emphasizing both the growth of the nation and technology. Gast was very wondrous of the fact that America was becoming such an industrialized nation. He may have also wanted to show it cancelled to other countries (this fact applies for t he whole painting). Americans, and especial! ly Gast, were very chivalrous of their growing nation during this time of great nationalism and utter it any way they could to show it off. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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