Saturday, September 28, 2013


Running head: Does treat turn as a commerce? Does Nursing Qualify as a occupation? abstraction Nursing will be comp atomic make sense 18d to common characteristics of a trading to determine if breast nourishment qualifies as a avocation. Does Nursing Qualify as a Profession? There argon sise characteristics commonly apply to asses whether a job is considered a profession: education of the practitioner, having a code of ethical motive, receiving compensation commensurate with the fail, being organised to promote a needed service, having autonomy in ray of light pattern, and being recognized by the government with licensure(Pinkerton, 2001,p.130). Florence Nightingale starting began pro education for nurses in 1860(Encarta,2000¶3). Currently there are round(prenominal) levels of education for nurses, ranging from diploma to doctoral degrees. Nurses are licitly accountable to practice within the nurse practice acts furbish up forth by legislature. Th ese laws are derived from an official code of ethical motive that was first published by The American Nurses Association in 1971. Compensation commensurate with work falls short when compared with autoworkers, who give up up comparable, if not higher wages and better benefits than nurses do. Nursing has several organizations. The National League for Nursing (NLN) is primarily creditworthy for correct the quality of the educational programs that prepare nurses for the practice of care for(Catalano,2000,p.10). is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Also, the American Nurses Association (ANA) which is more concerned with the quality of breast feeding practice in the daily heal th-care setting (Catalano,2000,p.10). Accor! ding to Catalano (2000), slight than 15% of all nurses in the United States are members of either professional organization at the national level, interpretation their region weak in the political arena. (p.10) In globe nursing is both an independent and interdependent discipline. Nurses must work nigh with physicians, hospital administrators, pharmacists, and other groups in the provision of care. In some cases, nurses in advanced practice roles can and do work their own independent practices(Catalano,2000,p.13). Nurses are required to pass... If you sine qua non to overprotect a full essay, order it on our website:

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