Sunday, September 8, 2019

Term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Term paper - Essay Example Towards the end of the 20th Century, widespread use of computers commenced in Western nations like Europe and North America. At first, computers belonged to the elite members of a society. With time, economics of demand and supply led to massive production of cheap computers for the general public (Wendy, 98). Today, use of computers is not restricted to specific corners of the world. Today, even communities in remote African and Asian villages have access to computers. Aside from accessing the computers, most people in these villages possess conceptual skills regarding the use of internet and other popular computer applications (Dike, 01). This widespread availability and application of computers created a computerized global village. The age of global computerization has benefits and setbacks in relatively equal measures. One benefit involves ease of communication. In the past, exchange of messages between distant persons would involve traversing the long distances between communicating parties, which was not only financially costly, but also time-consuming. Nowadays, global computerization enables two parties to conduct their social, economic or political interactions in an economically efficient manner (Smith and Angelica, 21). Irrespective of their physical locations, business partners or politicians can enter into mutually beneficial agreements through the internet. In this regard, global computerization has led to convenience in exchange of messages, hence enhancing human activities. Global computerization is not without concerns of disadvantages. Significant decline in ethics features as one setback of the computerized global village. Admittedly, widespread use of computers did not cause a correspondingly widespread advancement of ethics (Carr, 28). Traditional settings in either social or economic environments upheld ethical standards because physical interactions remained dominant. Nowadays, there are increasing

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