Sunday, September 22, 2019

Charting a New Course for Education and Teaching about Religion Essay

Charting a New Course for Education and Teaching about Religion - Essay Example Such decline is manifested in OECD (2006) report which indicated that educated Americans dropped from 30% to 14% while its national students’ achievement percentile level similarly plummeted down. This for authorities is truly alarming. It’s in this context that educators proposed seven strategies to reform American educational system. These proposed strategies are as follows: (a) development of a student progression; (b) reinvest resources devoted for improving quality of early education, recruiting more quality teacher, enhancing their instruction capabilities and provision of more resources to disadvantaged students; ( c) allocating budget for infrastructure construction for universal pre-school education; (d) hiring of top quality graduates for teaching courses and offering attractive but reasonable salary scheme and incentives as motivation; (e) improve performance management in the educational system and conduct of regular performance appraisal among educators and administrators; (f) provision of support mechanism for disadvantaged students;and (g) upholding education standard and adoption of curriculum that is responsive to the needs of the national economy and polity.

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