Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection on Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection on Leadership - Essay Example The leadership experience that I have gained is only from my studies especially when associating with my peers. My main strong point is my ability to communicate. I believe that communication is the main contributor to success. I therefore base my communication skills as my strong points. The area that I need some improvement on is the ability to work in a group setting. I tend to find myself more independent as opposed to been interdependent. I should improve on that so as to be able to work in a group setting. The activities that would help me improve on the skills are to engage myself in more group settings so as to be used to working with people. The other activities would be to engage in social activities so as to get used too many people. That means that I will be able to work in a group and I will also be able to engage my communication skills in the group setup (Luthans, and Avolio,

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