Saturday, September 28, 2019


NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY FOR FUTURE PAPER TITLED Improving Learning With Computers An Attempt at Enriching the Experience - Essay Example Computers have changed our existence and humans are relying on the system for their survival. Interactive learning aids in better learning. Video conference, reservations, bookings, data collection and storage, almost in every field computers have contributed a lot to make life easy as well has enhanced the pace of life. It is the responsibility of educators as well as parents to exploit the technology in the favour of mankind and to meet the needs of students. One must keep in mind to mould the energy of future generation in a constructive path by channelizing their energies as computer education provides confidence and high level of flexibility in learning environments and accommodate the needs of all students. Printed books can never be replaced by electronic books but access to any literature and convenience has drastically improved with the augmentation in computer technology. Audio-visual aids provide a great insight and profundity to human understanding therefore learning has improved through computers. It is the greatest invention for the present era that has enabled human to understand the concept, procure, implement and contribute in any field of choice by means of analysis and research as learning is a continuous

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