Friday, November 15, 2013

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Alvaro Hurtado

A track down is a relation in which apiece portion of the domain is paired with exactly ace element in the range. Two types of functions argon the exponential function function functions and the logarithmic functions. Exponential functions atomic number 18 the functions in the piddle of y = ax, where a is a positive veritable number, great than vigor and not equal to one. Logarithmic functions be the inverse of exponential functions, y = loga x, where a is greater to zero and not equal to one. These functions substantiate certain differences as well as similarities between them. as well as they atomic number 18 very useful for respective(a) situations in life. Logarithmic functions are fairly different from the exponential functions. The freshman difference that we skunk find between them is in the comparisons, they are inverse to each other. The logarithmic equation is y = loga x and the exponential equation is y = ax. We backside overly make that the essential exponential function is different form the cancel logarithmic function. The natural exponential function is y = f(x) = ex and the natural logarithmic function is f(x) = loge x = lnx , where x > 0. in any case we can forecast that to graph and exponential function it always has to drop dead through the point (0,1). However, both of these functions also have similarities. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
both(prenominal) of the functions contain an a which has to be greater than zero and slight than one. Also when we graph both of the functions we can see that they will never touch an axis because of the rule that a is greater than zero and l ess than one. To clear exponential function! s, you use the selfsame(prenominal) rules set of rules that you use to solve logarithmic functions. (logamn = loga m + loga n, logam / n = loga m... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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