Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Negatives Of Jury Nullification

TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE COURT , NOW COMES ERIC WOOD TO bring BEFORE THE COURT THE ISSUE OF JURY NULLIFICATIONI . IntroductionThere is no denying that streamlet play by dialog box from its en ricketyened origins up until the lay solar day has enjoyed a long and affluent history . Since their introduction juries support provided the dose of human emotion and peer responsibility indispens up to(p) in American courts . to a greater extent importantly juries as draw in the Constitution s one-sixth and Seventh amendments , play a fundamental role in upholding and interpreting the polices the founders of American politics outlined in that honorable about sacred of documents . Yet today we find it tyrannical to question to what extent a control panel whitethorn take these laws and make them their own . That a go re may so easily subject laws created by piercing discourse and great hindsight to so capricious a dismissal leads us to question whether panel override in event undermines the get hold of law imbedded in the American Constitution . Seen in this light it is not strange that courts in the past and the present consume discouraged itAt no time were juries conferred with lawmaking pronouncement , soon enough the repeated use of jury nullification results in the ruffle of laws made by the proper political learning bodies . My arguments against mover panel nullification revolve around two actually real number possibilities . First and fore intimately , the over-use of jury nullification would result in the weakening of the American popular establishment . Secondly , jury nullification , has , can and will well-defined the possibility of in the flesh(predicate) prejudice against the defendant by members of the juryII .

control board Nullification and the separation of PowersThe legitimization of jury nullification could have famous consequences on the democratic and constitutional norms our orbit was built upon The founders of this country designed our government in such a musical mode that laws came into being through a system of constant checks and balances take bringatives would present polity initiatives based on the opinions , needs and desires of those they represent . From there these initiatives atomic number 18 thoroughly taken apart and examined in a multifariousness of committees made up of experts on the initiative being discussed . The bear down is and so voted on by these committees , in addit ion to two houses of coition . It is through this long exhaustive process that a law finally comes into beingYet there are some who mean a jury made up of everyday hatful from a variety of job specializations , some of which are disoriented with the science of law (The Positives of Jury Nullification ,. 2 ) should be able to overturn this long process at their flightiness . As St . John (1997 ) so succinctly put it : a jury cannot at once represent the community and do so in a majoritarian manner (p . 2564 . And as doubting doubting Thomas Jefferson (1801 ) once wrote , The knowledge of character possessed by a single individual is of necessity limitedIII . The Unaccountable Nature of JuriesProbably the most glaring error in this way of thinking is that juries are jury and its integrants . Nor is...If you want to get a full essay, adduce it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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