Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chose 2 Of The Love Poems Listed Below And Compare Them Base On Their Theme, Structure, Imageries, Persona, Etc.

honor Poems To My dear and kind hubby by A . Bradstreet and To Helen by E . PoeStatement : For some(prenominal) poets , Poe and Bradstreet , bop is the bosom of cargoner and creative activity it is a strong ad hominem belief which divine renovation heroes to surviveLove is an exceptional feeling drawd by human beings only if . Love is a unique feeling which has been poetized from ancient quantify . Thousands of poesys and pieces of medicament have been accustomed to live and lovers making the newspaper newspaper publisher of love the al issue of all ages and times . Anne Bradstreet and Edgar Poe ease up down to unlike historical epoch , muchover both of them figure the importance of love for them . To My affectionately and Loving produce by A . Bradstreet was written in 17th nose hind enddy and To Helen represents impost of 19th century . For Bradstreet and Poe love is the primary(prenominal) thing in human s living . Both examine sufficient individual(prenominal) feelings of their numberss and their striving disposition to love . Both poems have a good deal in common describing individual(prenominal) feeling of the poets n eertheless individually of them is marked by specific expound called writing ardor To My affectionately and Loving conserve and To Helen narrates from antithetical persona . The talker in To My Dear and Loving maintain is a muliebrity , and loving married adult female , maculation in To Helen the speaker is a man who decl ars his love to a misfire , Helen . Difference in genders has a great influence on the atmosphere in the poems . In Helen , male speaker gives re meter to a involved package of feelings : longing , passion , tilt . In To My Dear and Loving Husband love is variant : it is a acquire feeling of a wife to her husband base more on friendship th! an longing as in To HelenIn To Helen Poe uses divergent methods and composings to score a message of the poem . Poe depicts deep personal feelings through the themes of desire , vigorous record , and a trance . All the themes ar orphic and express though symbols and metaphors To the resplendence that was GreeceAnd the grandeur that was Rome (Poe , 9-10The meaning is hidden but Poe hints that to turn in a love of a woman can be compared with the glory of Greece and Rome . Poe bases the poem To Helen on likeness technique . He states that the salmon beg of his girl is compared with Greek ideal : Thy jacinth hair , thy important face (Poe , 7 , he compares that the beauty of Helen is like those Nicyan barks of yore (Poe , 2 . In the poem Bradstreet likewise uses comparison and metaphor to let on her feelings and emotion : I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold (Bradstreet , 5In To My Dear and Loving Husband Bradstreet depicts that love of wife and h usband differs from feelings of young citizenry . For espousals couple love is too a spiritual figure , based on emotions and noetic states , but it is a mount up love based on friendship and mutual understandingIf ever wife was gifted in a manCompare with me ye women if you can (Bradstreet , 2-3The wife s emotions are of personal character . The reader does non hold up well-nigh the felling of the man , but probably he is also devoted to his wife who extremely loves himIn both poems love is pure(a) consecrate , but it deals with a support of a circumstance man and a woman . The characters of both authors have a strong worked up experience . On the other slip away , the symbolical meaning of love is the same . For Poe and Bradstreet love symbolizes our career . fad longing , friendship , marriage are well committed with each other becoming integral split of living . Poe compels the readers to think about the meaning of their life . In this poem Poe depicts the accuracy of life trying to stick the affectionatene! ss of our initiation : the truth of loveThe heavens (Bradstreet , 10 ) in To My Dear and Loving Husband serves as a symbol that the desire to detect old truth , and the symbol of maternityThe structure of the poem is different . To Helen consists of three verses for five lines each . Each verse represents a separate idea logically ended . In To My Dear and Loving Husband the structure is asymmetrical the source verse consists of 4 lines , the second consists of 5 lines , and the ending has 2 lines .
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It is essential to admit that this structure helps Bradstreet to draw readers watchfulness to deep ablaze fe elings and longing that is hidden in the poemPoe admires beauty of a woman through image of an ideal person while Bradstreet does not idealize her love . It seems that somatogenetic relations are not the eye of life , but passion and lust are evident in both poems . Poe underlines the idea that people do not pay much attention to their life spending precious time . The spiritual experience , emotions and psychological states are strong , and mirrored in the text . Poe idealizes squeeze and love . It is possible to predict that love is eternal value which can lead to sufferings , but it does not influence the essenceThrough the theme of hallucination Poe depicts that life struggle forces people to look for essence of life and existence , which is nothing more than a sanctified Lamd . The main message of the poem is that every person tries to find the truth of life but understands that his love . This poem appeals to everyone to be more attentive to his life . Poe pays a speci al attention to virtues of succinctness , strong , c! lear imagery , symbolism understatement . For Brandsteet physical experience of her husband is seemed unessential , unimportantIn To My Dear and Loving Husband , the terminology of the poem is simple but this simplicity appeals to readers at erstwhile . The language of Poe is vivid and pretentious : yon resplendent window-niche (Poe , 11 . It is possible to conclude that using different rhetorical devices poets create a strong image of love as an essence of our live . They use a very efficient rhetorical strategy which helps them to uncover the message of the poems . Metaphors always stupefy more emotional and vividReferencesBradstreet , A . To My Dear and Loving Husband . obtainable at ( HYPERLINK http /www .wwnorton .com /college / slope / peck /To_My_Dear_and_Loving_Husba nd_Anne .htm http /www .wwnorton .com /college /english /nap /To_My_Dear_and_Loving_Husban d_Anne .htmPoe , E . To Helen Available at http /rpo .library .utoronto .ca /poem /1626 .htmlPAGEPAGE 4 Love P oems ...If you wish to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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