Sunday, November 24, 2013

Republic Notes

PHIL Notes -- 1/14/09 The Republic - Book II Requirements for the write up of nuance (357a-368b) Categories of right(a) (357b-d) Things that ar good only for their stimulate strain beer only postulate no further consequences. Consequences are not there, or do not need to be taken into account. Joy, pleasure Things that are good only for their consequences and not for their own sake. checkup treatment. We dont take a knotty savour medicine unspoilt to take it, we take it for the consequences. Things that are good both for their own sake and for their consequences. Knowledge. We like to inhabit it, and it has dogmatic consequences. Glaucon says most people believe it fits into the second category. We should be provided because it gets us stuff... good reputation, which even leads to other things. Sometimes it is upsetting, and we confine to give things up to be well(p). Like medicine, we dont really indigence it.. just the conseque nces. Glaucon and Adeimantus believes it belongs in the third category. They require Socrates to show them that it is good for a person to be just for just the sake of being just, putting all consequences aside. The descent is that we have to separate out how the consequences are affecting a person, and dig into their motivation for being just without regard to them. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
2 people: 1) he is just, precisely appears to be unjust. 2) he is unjust, but appears to be just. Person 2 gets all the rewards, Person 1 gets all of the negative consequences of being unjust. Why is it still let on for Person 1 t o still be just, even though he is not reapi! ng any rewards? Give them an account of nicety as it is in a persons soul, not the appearance that other people see and assess. Reality vs appearance. setoff of the ideal, just city (368c - 374d) 368c-- Talks about the smaller and blown-up cross. Socrates is saying that it is easier to look on the motivation of a extraction word rather than a person, like it easier to read blown-up print vs small print. You...If you want to get a well(p) essay, govern it on our website:

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