Sunday, March 18, 2018

'Love is Like a Drug'

'They labor it with their steely knives, provided they just targett despatch the beast...You behind look out out any time you like, yet you brush aside neer leave (Eagles Lyrics - Hotel California). Ah, the prudent words from the straining Hotel California by the Eagles. These lyrics butt end inter get in touch to legion(predicate) situations, much(prenominal) as cosmos in fuck life or winning drugs. It is describing the way in which oneness can try and fence against falling in love or an addiction, but no matter what, they atomic number 18 always a part of them. non only can both of them relate to the song, but love and drugs also carry on many characteristics, such(prenominal) as confusable neurological reactions in the witticism, an irrational number and senseless infatuation, an eternal assay to attain satisfaction, and softness to refrain from falling back into a pernicious pattern. Moreover, it is raise that love, which is accepted by society, a nd drugs, which atomic number 18 unaccepted in society, real shargon many commonalities.\nLove and drugs molest similar neurological responses in the brain. fit to Berit Brogaard, a prof of philosophy at the University of Miami, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are crucially involved in the initial stages of falling in love, are the same chemicals that are active during cocain use. When one falls in love, serotonin boosts a mortals self-confidence, dopamine generates and provides an individual with a feeling of pleasure, and norepinephrine fills their body with cacophonic energy. When a mortal is using cocaine, serotonin makes them feel ingest and self-confident, while dopamine brings them into a pleasant manic sound out and the norepinephrine makes one alert and energetic. (Brogaard) This comparability shows that love and drugs, (in this slip-up cocaine), evoke very(prenominal) similar responses in a soulfulnesss brain and body.\nFalling in love or ta king drugs can also die hard to senseless and irrational behavior payable to infatuation. In the play, The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo of t... If you ask to get a full essay, modulate it on our website:

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