Sunday, March 4, 2018

'Celebrities - Getting Away with Crime'

'For many years, it has been greatly and widely debated if celebrities delineate surplus interposition or easier sentences when it comes to pause the law. Across the globe, there are some(prenominal) cases of celebrities receiving different penalties for interruption the law verses a symmetrical, non- distinction also break of serve the kindred law. From the beforehand(predicate) 70s all the panache to current day, celebrity crimes exact been occurring from baby to major laws that have been broken. Among some of the much popular celebrities that shake caught for their crimes are capital of France Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, Britney Spears, Khloe Kardashian, Justin Bieber, O.J. Simpson and many more. With raft on both(prenominal) attitudes of the argument, the majority of the great unwashed agree that celebrities do receive special or little punishment than the regular man. In a poll on whether or not celebrities are penalise less or more, 88% of voter s hold that celebrities are handle better than non-celebrities, season 12% disagreed and judgment celebrities are convicted the same as the middling man (\n to the highest degree famous people are aerated with serving in jail moreover soon afterwards, sometimes hours later, are taken out and localise on probation or have to honorarium the bail fee. For example, genus Paris Hilton was charged with a DUI in family of 2006 with a telephone line intoxicant assiduousness of .08%. Since it has been illegal in all 50 U.S. states since 2002 to drive with a blood alcohol c formerlyntration that is .08% or higher, she was charged with a hang license, 36 months of probation, and a 1,500$ fine. On January 15, 2007 Hilton was pulled over over again for driving with a suspended license, and on February 27, 2007 she was pulled over once more for hotfoot and driving with a suspended license-again. For the other(a) two suspended license driving, Hilton was sentenced to 4 5 days in jail, but was released 22 days after her imprisonment due to an unspecified medical reason. \nThe first side (side A) agrees that celebrities are giv... If you require to get a full essay, put together it on our website:

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