Monday, February 3, 2020

Discussion Board Forum Forrest Gump Movie Review

Discussion Board Forum Forrest Gump - Movie Review Example By contrast, the All American hero (Gump) kyte-flyes above the drama, blissfuly ignorant of what is really going on, to raise from a crippled moronic child and become a sports star, a Superman during the war, chummy to three Presidents, and a billionaire, of course. So, if you are a conservative, you come out of the theater thinking "They got what they deserved, both of them" and wholeheartedly adhere to the movie's morals and sociological analysis. However, if the metacodes are read with more sensitive antennae, a different picture can be perceived. Existentialist ideas are in the background throughout the movie. Chance and destiny are counter played in the lifes of Jenny and Gump; there is no higher purpose, no good and evil, no God. There is only life. In this context, the countercultures are just one aspect of life. It is just by chance that Jenny is immersed in them and Gump is not, their roles in the movie are starkly black and white, to drive home the message. They could easily have exchanged their roles, their trajectories, their "destinies". Real life is a mixture of both, and any human being can during his/her lifetime partake in hell and heaven. The elements of the counterculture have always been there and will always be, as long as there is a human alive.

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