Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Consumer behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Consumer behaviour - Assignment ExampleAccording to Hoyer and Macinnis (2009, p. 1), consumer culture that explains consumer behavior includes amongst other things consumer diversity, social class and household influences, psychographics entailing modus vivendi, personalities, and values as well as social influences. Businesses and organizations should strive to understand consumers behavior in order to tap the positive attitudes and change the negative attitudes to suit their products. pinnacle is a proud owner of a range of GYM centers meant for enhancing users fitness. These chains of gym centers focus on market (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2010, p 10). Bill is interested in building user loyalty hence be sure of their registration annually. In addition, the business the business would wish to apply the created loyalty into initiating customer descent marketing. Whats more, this chain of gym centers have been experiencing high number of customers that register but fail to come, those tha t attend irregularly, as well as those that do non renew their registration (Kardes, Cronley & Cline, 2010, p. 15). ... 3) defines consumer behavior as the holistic decisions that consumer makes regarding acquiring, consuming, and disposing of goods, services, time, as well as ideas over a time. Consumer behavior is an important aspect for Bill and his chain of gym centers to understand thereby providing services that conform to users needs and wants. Provision of such services is the only secrete of attracting more users as well as reducing defection and irregularity of attendance. Bill needs to understand reasons as to why there is irregularity in attendance, defections, and the fact that most users do not re-register after the expiry of their sessions (Kardes, Cronley & Cline, 2010, p. 15). There is need also to identify various factors that influence such behaviors as well as the ever-changing factors within the indian lodge for instance, increase in lifestyle diseases hence the need to regularly engage in exercises to reduce weight and other bodily aspects attributable to such lifestyle diseases. The following describes how Bill and his chain of gym centers will improve and change users attitudes and perceptions through consumer behavior in order to tap more sales and profitability. 2.1 improve and Change Gyms Users through Consumer Behavior Improving and changing of gym users is effectively attainable through consumer behavior. One of the ways of improving and changing users of the gym through consumer behavior is by creating and developing marketing mix that satisfies users. Bills chain of gym centers is market oriented hence the need to have an effective and efficient marketing mix that provides contentment to the users. However, it should be noted that developing a marketing mix that fully provides user satisfaction is cumbersome and challenging. Bill should

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